Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Just a few notes as we continue reading this book. Note how I highlight methods--meaning research methods--in my questions. Methods of research are ways to collect or create data/art/writing/etc. That could include ways (methods) of making, observing, listening, writing or filtering--different lenses to think about, think against, analyze, assess, etc. For example, autobiography/autoethnography/biography are ways to document/create personal evidence/research. Keep in mind that making art is research. But there are different ways--methods--to make art. Weintrub's book, for me, expands what I considered legitimate media methods. It excites me to read about social practice as a method. Performance as a method. Bio art...getting the picture? Lots of ways to create research; art being one; making or writing or performing or thinking--numerous methods--ways of doing that. This book is a great pioneer for us to get us away from Western Euro linear thinking about what is art and what can be art and who determines what is art.

John Berger's book Ways of Seeing (1972) is fascinating. He addressed some of these natural and normal ways of seeing art that he challenges. It was a BBC series. It's a small book. I think you can retrieve the series on youtube--fascinating to watch--where he challenges historians, and misogynies, and all kinds of bias--that I/we just take for granted--because that may be the way it is or the way I/we learned it. He delves into mystification and obfuscation. I found it an absolute delight and essential to read. What I am saying here is notice those different methods of making art--they are beautifully transgressive and creative." 

Hey Ed,I wanted  to use your words(above)as a reference because I think of my art as research but it is so hard to explain that to people..thank you for this

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